Friday, May 17, 2013

The Only Solace

I'm sorry, but, even though it is only one/tenth of the way through, I am going to take a short break from the posts on reformed theology (see the previous post).

The reason I am going to take this break is because of a tremendous tragedy very close to my heart, in terms of miles, it is only about twenty.  Yes, I am talking about this week's spontaneous tornadoes in the area, the worst of which being the EF-4 (the second-highest) in Granbury, said town that is only twenty miles away.

Listen to the following song while reading.

What to do when tragedy strikes?  6 people died, that is double the amount of homicides that Granbury has suffered since at least 2000.  here is one verse that is comfort in all sorrows:  "I lift my eyes up to the hills, where does my help come from?  My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.  He will not let your foot be moved-- He who keeps you will not slumber."  That is from Psalm 121:1-3.  Remember, for Spanish. use NVI, don't trust Google Translate for scripture. Another: "all things work together for the good of those who fear him."And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Note that this is for "those who love God"- His children- Christians- those who are saved.  "Christ is the only solace for the troubled, the only rest for the weary, the only satisfaction for the starving, the only saviour for the damned."  That is all of us, we are all of those.  Christ is the only comfort in time of trouble.  Run to Jesus, run to Jesus, and live.  Now, I'm not talking about physical life, though the life of a Christian is much fuller than that of an un-believer, this speaks of eternal life, true life, eternal fellowship with God.

I used to live in this town, only a year and two-thirds ago- tomorrow.  My Dad delivered pizzas, undoubtedly to this subdivision.  I have friends who lived near there, some from Church lived only 5 miles away.  We were so close we had to get to a safe place twice.  Once with twenty kids at Church, and again back at our house.  One of the Granbury care groups stayed where they were until midnight.  When tragedy strikes close to the heart, still Christ is the only solace.  And what a comfort he is.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this. its just a great reminder that we should keep our eyes on Jesus. :)
