Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Thank you.

Ego no siempre fidelis, sed Dios siempre fidelis, siempre indulget.

Lord, I come on bended knee,
Begging for your forgiveness.
Once again, I have failed the King,
Inciting righteous wrath,
And judgement.
But you have said that there is:
"no condemnation for those
who are under Christ Jesus".
And for this, I thank you.

You have said that we have been:
"Justified.. by grace".
And even when we sin,
That grace is still there.
Lord, merciful Heavenly father,
You have chosen us before time.
Knowing what evil deeds,
we would commit,
but choosing us anyway.
And for this, I thank you.

Lord, "forgive us
our trespasses".
Our evil deeds are,
beyond measure,
and even our "good deeds,
are like filthy rags in your sight.
Continue to purge me,
Ridding me of this sin.
You have sent the Holy Spirit.
And for this, I thank you.

"Empty me, of the selfishness inside.
Every vain ambition,
And the poison of my pride...
Lord empty me, of me,
So I can be,
Filled with you."

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