I have a really nice bible with a good case, with two journals (one for DL, and one regular), a notepad, letters from my Family, pens, highlighters, church directory, church events sheet, verses for 3000-12 (which i did get), forms for my tripping basic (which I didn't get), a paper with my name and adress on it , and those green card you get when you check in at the lodge that say "Welcome to Deerfoot!"in it. So here the story is in Boss beak form
Camper Ben Phillips- Boss! ( Well at least that's what they would say to be polite)
Pioneer 3-day canoe hike led by Chief Glen Perry- Boss!,
Ben going on the hike- Boss!,
Ben taking his Bible on the hike- Boss!
Chief Glen Perry overestimating the time it would take to get forom the Lean-to the the pick-up place- Beak!
So the canoers get ther 2 hours and ten minutes before Cheif Dut is supposed to pick them up- Beak!
Chief Glen calling 15-minute quiet time- Boss!
Ben particpating and when done leaving his bible on the dock- Boss!
Then when Chief Dut arrives Ben forgets too get his bible- Beak!
when unpacking Ben realizes that his bible is not there- Beak! (there were tears in this part)
Mrs. Vera Fitch of the US Embassy- Boss!
Mrs. Vera likes kayaking- Boss!
Mrs. Vera kayaking in the spot where the pioneers were- Boss!
And Noticing Ben's Bible!
Get's Ben's bible and opens it- Boss!
Notices Ben's Name Adress and a mention of Deerfoot- Boss!
Calls Deerfoot and tells them that she found Ben's Bible and is mailing it to his house in Texas- BOSS!
More boss than Beak- Our God is an awesome God.
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